Deep Experience in a Wide Range of Issues
With more than sixty years of hands-on work with governments at all levels and businesses from microenterprises to multinational corporations, we have the expertise you need to move forward.
Economic Development for Today's Economy
Meet the economic development needs of your community, even with a limited budget. Outsourcing economic development services can be a fraction of the cost of maintaining or growing a full-time staff and department.
Create an Entrepreneurship Support System
Supporting aspiring entrepreneurs with tangible and practical assistance is critical to the success of a local economy. An incubator/accelerator program that fits your local needs and opportunities is one way to establish a steady flow of entreneurial activity to keep your economy vibrant, healthy and growing.
Small Business Resiliency with ARPA Funds
Help facilitate a stronger, more resilient future for your business community. Well-crafted and executed programs funded by ARPA can bolster business and economic development in your area, particularly for underserved populations.
Building the Workforce Pipeline
Retaining, growing, launching, and attracting industry successfully depends on the ability of communities to meet employer workforce needs. Strengthen your workforce development system and pipeline to help meet the needs of your existing and prospective employers and give workers the skills they need to find real jobs that allow them to grow and succeed.
Economic Development Strategy
Circumstances and technologies change, local economies evolve, policy decisions shift, business needs vary, and resources can fluctuate. A strong and flexible “Living Strategy” can evolve on the fly and help you stay in touch with private sector resources and needs.
Communications/Brand and Marketing Strategy
Successful communities are supported by a strong brand and well-organized multi-faceted marketing strategy designed to attract business investment and migration to the community, as well as boosting local tourism. Assess your current strategies and identify ways you can improve and expand your marketing and communications efforts.
Tourism Program Development
We are particularly sensitive to the needs and potential of the tourism industry to create jobs, investment and tax revenues. In this sense, tourism development is closely linked to core economic development programs, can serve as introductions for business travelers to commercial opportunities, and can blend events with local economic development events.
Performance Measurement Review
Maximize agency efficiency and satisfy the needs of funding bodies. Develop and apply relevant performance measures that evaluate the effectiveness of your programs in viable ways. Align measures with intended outcomes.
About Us
The Phoenix Advantage team has extensive experience both in and outside Virginia and offers a series of packages designed to help local economic development programs explore key issues, assess their readiness, and address opportunities and challenges in an affordable way. We believe that every local agency, whether a small one with limited resources, or a large one with a substantial and growing array of responsibilities, can benefit from experienced outside help, targeted to current and future challenges and flash points.